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Cabinets, Countertops
and More

Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Materials Manufacturers & Wholesalers

Cabinet, Countertops
and More

Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Materials Manufacturers & Wholesalers

Cabinet, Countertops
and More

Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Materials Manufacturers & Wholesalers

Cabinet, Countertops
and More

Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Materials Manufacturers & Wholesalers

Quality Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Products

Tops Kitchen has been in business for over 10 years and is growing every year because we understand the importance of going the extra mile for all of our customers. As a family owned and operated company founded in 2007, we are a top manufacturer of quality kitchen cabinetscountertops, and a variety of important accessories, and we sell them directly to you! Whether you are embarking on a project yourself or planning a big remodel with a contractor, our warehouse of top quality products can help.

Straight From the Manufacturer

With Tops Kitchen, there is no middleman. This means all of our customers are getting incredible, top shelf cabinetry and countertops at rock bottom prices.

We have warehouses located in Miami, FL, and Atlanta, GA!

  • Medley (Miami), Florida
    • 60000 SQF warehouse with over 50 containers of inventory
  • Stone Mountain (Atlanta), Georgia
    • 30000 SQF warehouse with over 20 containers of inventory

We can supply and meet the needs of any contractors and builders, and ship to nationwide in 3-5 business days. Our RTA cabinets are frameless and made with real wood, ¾ inch thickness, same color in and out, and come with soft close. It is this flexibility that allows us to serve a wide range of customers across different states and regions.

For more information, call our Miami office or Atlanta office today.

Multilanguage For All Of Your Contracting Needs

We have professional employees who can assist you in English, Spanish, and Chinese. We aim to serve as many different customers as we can, and we take pride in being a multilingual establishment so that we can expand our reach. Our company prides itself on top-level service and product, and we know how important a resource we are.

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